Author: Staff Writer

  • Real Estate Joint Ventures: What are the pros and cons

    Real Estate Joint Ventures: What are the pros and cons

    What are the Pros and Cons of Real Estate Joint Ventures Real estate Joint ventures (JV) can be a useful tool for investors to pool resources, knowledge, and expertise in order to achieve a common goal. They can also be the bridge to 100% LTV on certain projects. Here are some potential pros and cons…

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  • What is an earnest money deposit in real estate?

    What is an earnest money deposit in real estate?

    Do you need an earnest money deposit? An earnest money deposit in real estate is a payment made by a buyer to a seller as a show of good faith and commitment to the purchase of a property. It is typically a percentage of the purchase price and is deposited into an escrow account, where…

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  • Using Leverage for Long Term Investing

    Using Leverage for Long Term Investing

    3 Ways to Use Leverage for Long Term Investing Investors can use leverage for long term investing to increase their cash flow and returns on investment by borrowing money to invest in assets. For investors, using leverage can be an effective way to increase cash flow and returns on investment, but it should be approached…

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  • What red flags do private lenders look for in real estate transactions?

    What red flags do private lenders look for in real estate transactions?

    Private Lenders and Risk Private lenders may look for several red flags in real estate transactions that could signal potential problems or risks. Some common red flags that private lenders may consider include: Overall, private lenders will want to carefully evaluate all aspects of a potential real estate transaction to determine whether it is a…

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