Month: February 2024

  • Train to Grow or Go: Talent Development at Carmichael & Russ Capital

    Train to Grow or Go: Talent Development at Carmichael & Russ Capital

    The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.” — Henry Ford Henry Ford At Carmichael & Russ Capital, we believe in the power of continuous growth, training, and the development of our employees. Inspired by a military mindset of always training your relief,…

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  • Access to Veterans Benefits Reps

    Access to Veterans Benefits Reps

    As military veterans ourselves, the leadership team at Carmichael & Russ Capital carries a profound respect and understanding for the sacrifices made by our fellow servicemen and women. Our experiences in the military have not only shaped us personally but have also deeply influenced our approach to business and leadership. It is from this foundation…

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  • Empowering Our Team: Carmichael & Russ Capital’s Revolutionary Cash-Free Equity Program

    Empowering Our Team: Carmichael & Russ Capital’s Revolutionary Cash-Free Equity Program

    At Carmichael & Russ Capital, we will remain at the forefront of creating innovative solutions to empower our team and foster a culture of inclusivity, growth, and wealth creation. Our CEO, Noah Carmichael, is excited to introduce a groundbreaking initiative designed to redefine the landscape of employee benefits in the startup ecosystem: the Cash-Free Equity…

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  • Childcare Supplemental Pay

    Childcare Supplemental Pay

    As parents ourselves, we at Carmichael & Russ Capital understand the tremendous strain that the rising cost of childcare can place on families across the country. It’s a reality that touches us personally and professionally, prompting us to look for ways to support our employees beyond the traditional benefits package. This understanding has led us…

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